Life in the small, rural Southern Appalachian community of Pickens, SC is centered primarily on family, church, the great outdoors and our heritage. What better way to celebrate and share our musical heritage than to pass on our community’s love and interest in preserving old-time mountain music?
Supported by Preserving Our Southern Appalachian Music Inc. (POSAM), Young Appalachian Musicians (YAM) introduces children and adults to the music of their heritage through small group instruction in instruments common to the Appalachian region.
Many of our students could not afford the level of instruction they receive or to try out an instrument without a program like YAM. We offer affordable instruction, including lower rates for free and reduced-lunch students, as well as an instrument rental program that makes it possible for all children to play an instrument. None of this would be possible without the support of the community.
Supported by Preserving Our Southern Appalachian Music Inc. (POSAM), Young Appalachian Musicians (YAM) introduces children and adults to the music of their heritage through small group instruction in instruments common to the Appalachian region.
Many of our students could not afford the level of instruction they receive or to try out an instrument without a program like YAM. We offer affordable instruction, including lower rates for free and reduced-lunch students, as well as an instrument rental program that makes it possible for all children to play an instrument. None of this would be possible without the support of the community.
The Winter Bluegrass Jubilee was funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the South Carolina Arts Commission.